Horny Bros Inc. :: Unfunked heat / Unheated funk :: autoproduction :: 2005

Horny Bros Inc. :: Unfunked heat / Unheated funk :: autoproduction :: 2005 Unfunked heat / Unheated funk : Objet Sonore Electronique Non Identifié sur format Vinyl ! Après écoute et enquête, ces deux réalisations (une par face) jamais raccoleuses et expérimentales à souhait sont l'oeuvre d'un certain Horny Bros Inc., un musicien résidant à Malmoe en Suède. Bref, un vrai jeu de piste qui nous amène ici à vous parler de cet artiste qui, dans un anglais approximatif a bien voulu répondre à nos interrogations par mèl. Pluôt que de traduire et dénaturer ses propos, voici dans un style télégraphique le détail de sa réalisation distibuée par hotstuff.se !

Horny Bros Inc. : "Unfunked Heat : idea is to clash things, like it's hard/noisy and soft/cuddly at the same time, lot of drums but still people say 'hey you, there's no beat!!' and so on. Unheated Funk: something that you can put on for a while and it would not take any room, just give a good vibe to that moment, a friend of mine said that it sounded like 'house on drugs' but definitely I don't agree with him, it is more to this track that drugged out noise. About the production: multiple sessions (drums, voice etc) mixed separately and then imported as mono tracks to a session to make it all fit together, panning, eq, reverb etc.. all mixing in protools, for analogue gear affidiandos; 'cwejman s1' analogue synthersizer was used extensively on both tracks, both for sounds and track filtering, for plugin affidiandos; 'altiverb' was used as only source of reverb in sequence with a 'urs n eq' insert to sweeten the tails, only external sequencing, I have not figured out how to make things get funky with drag and drop. Pressing was done at a farm in south of sweden by this guy with a deep rockabilly fetish, he´s got a car repair shop and a recording studio / pressing plant in the same building, all time teleported from the golden year of 1957, probably him as well."

Au départ, simple curiosité, la galette scandinave tourne désormais régulièrement sur une platine qui en redemande ! pouêt ! pouêt ! ding ! dong ! drelin ! drelin ! Une improbable rencontre auditive qui se déguste comme une friandise.

01. Unfunked heat (face a)
02. Unheated funk (face b)


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